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Every SLM composition can be purchased as a single item. With that purchase, you receive all parts (octavo, Lead Sheet, SATB, etc) written for the piece with permission to make as many copies as you'd like.

Psalms/Antiphons =$5-$10
Mass Settings = $100
Hymns/Songs = $20-$30



With a subscription, you can "purchase" anything on the website for $0.00. There are no limits! Purchase and download any music that you want and make as many copies as you need.

$144.00 Annually

You Own It

You Own It

Whether you purchase single pieces A-La-Carte or download them through your Subscription, the small print says that your worshiping community owns it... forever! No more buying music over and over. Print as much as you need for as long as you need.

Click. Print. Share.

Music For The Lectionary

SLM’s flagship project is a complete online psalter of responsorial psalms set to music. We also offer a growing number of Gospel Acclamations, Sequences, and more. As Catholic musicians ourselves, we know you want choices to meet the needs of your worshiping community.

We endeavor to provide two or more options for every one of the 1,191 occasions a specific psalm is called for in the four-volume lectionary. 

The best part is that more psalms are being added to this collection every week, so you will always have access to fresh compositions to breathe new life into your worship.

The Psalms Image compressed

We all want options, right?

Several options for every Sunday and Feast Day of the 3-year liturgical cycle

Sunday Psalms

Feast Day Psalms

  • In the fall of 2016, the original composers of SLM decided to embark on what seemed to be an impossible task – to offer three or more musical options to the psalm text of every single Sunday of the 3-Year Lectionary Cycle. It took three years of dedicated work, but in the fall of 2019, SLM had completed the first phase of creating the most comprehensive psalm resource ever: multiple options for Sunday psalms. 

    Although this initial goal is complete, the project is not over. SLM composers continue to add Sunday responsorial psalms and will do so from here on out. 

  • Along with creating musical options to every single Sunday of the 3-Year Lectionary Cycle, SLM Composers decided that it would be beneficial to do the same for all Feast Days celebrated throughout the year. Much like the Sunday Psalm project, it took three years to complete this task (fall 2016 – fall 2019).

    Now, from the plethora of options for All Souls day celebrations to the seven psalm responses used at the Easter Vigil, SLM provides two or more musical options to the exact psalm texts needed for every single Feast day celebration. 

So Many Psalms!!!

All the Other Psalms

Responsorial psalms are an integral part of the liturgical prayer life of the Church and they are meant to be sung. But for some strange reason, it is difficult to find musical settings to the psalm texts used outside the realm of weekend and feast days. 

If you look closely at this chart, you may notice that the weekend / feast day psalms comprise of only 184 out of the 1191 occasions specific psalm text is used in the lectionary. That’s only 15.4%! Where are the other 84.6% (1,007)? 

SLM composers are working on this right now creating beautiful arrangements for every single psalm text needed for liturgical worship. Not only that, but SLM’s platform organizes this massive resource in a way that makes sense so that you can find what you need quickly and easily… and do so without breaking the bank. 

Psalm Distribution in Lectionary

Daily Psalms

Daily psalms are a much-needed resource in ministry work today for parishes, schools, and other worshipping communities. That is why our SLM composers are working hard to create engaging settings for the 531 responses needed to cover every weekday of the two-year cycle. 

While daily psalms are being written in a simple fashion for daily Mass, it is important to know that all psalms on SLM’s website are cross-listed if the refrain and verse texts match. For example, psalm 117’s refrain “Go out to all the world and tell the good news” paired with verses one and two is used 17 different times in the lectionary. Therefore, you will find it in 17 different places on SLM’s website including both the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C AND Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time, Year II. For that day, you might find a wide array of choices!

Sanctoral Psalms

Worshiping communities are in need of a good resource that offers musical settings to the specific psalm texts assigned to special days sprinkled throughout the year. That is why our SLM composers are working hard to create engaging settings of the 204 responses needed to cover every saint feast day in the yearly calendar.

Need a specific text for the feast day of your parish namesake? If we don’t have it yet, let us know and our SLM composers can create it for you! Need specific instrumentation? We can work to provide that as well. 

Other Ritual Psalms

There are 272 specific psalms attached to each of the special occasions listed in the fourth lectionary volume and we have settings for all of them. For example, if you celebrate the anniversary of the dedication of your parish, we have Psalm 122, Let us go rejoicing, ready for you with the exact verse texts that you need. 

We also have several psalm options for confirmations, ordinations, weddings, and funerals. With our service, you can use the exact texts to more fully celebrate these special events.

Music For The Roman Missal

Our SLM composers have put together unique and much-needed settings for your unique mass needs. These settings were born out of parish and school ministry and were created by composers who have a desire to provide value to their community. The music they have created helps your community worship well with specific ritualistic music that is the heartbeat of our liturgical celebrations. 

There have been many Mass Settings produced and published since 2011. These are tried and true works that were born from the trenches that most of us live in – ministry life. When you listen to our catalogue of music, you can determine which pieces fit your needs and help you worship on a deeper level. 

To further fill our community’s needs, SLM is working on Entrance and Communion Antiphons we all as other ritual texts throughout the Roman Missal. Stay tuned for updates!

Music For Everything Else

Besides musical settings of the prescribed texts of the Lectionary and Roman Missal, SLM also brings you a plethora of other compositions. These beautiful compositions are inspired gems written by our SLM Composers specifically for the congregations they serve in their ministry. Through SLM, they can now share them with you. They are categorized into three broad areas:

  1. Vocal Music
  2. Instrumental Music (coming soon)
  3. Devotional Music (coming soon)

All this music is categorized both in liturgical and musical ways so that you can find the music that is exactly right for you. Need a new Advent song that works well at the Preparation of the gifts that has an SATB arrangement? No problem! We have a piece for you/ Feel free to explore all our other music and use it to glorify the Lord.

responsorial psalms

And, of course, everything is...

& Approved

From the very beginning, SLM has been working with all entities that need to review and approve our text and music so that it will be ready for you to use without worry. These entities include:

  • The USCCB
  • The Archdiocese of Omaha, NE
  • ICEL
    • Owner and overseer of Lectionary and Roman Missal text copyrights
  • CCD
    • Owner and overseer of NAB and GRAIL texts.


And we can’t forget one of our favorite partners in this business, ONELICENSE, with whom SLM is a proud Member-Publisher. If you have a ONELICENSE subscription, you can report all congregational music you print and/or display in some way. All of SLM’s music can be found in their databases.

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